Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No More *To-Do* Lists.

I'm a list maker. I have to be, because I have far too many interests, and I'm easily distracted. Housework is a dirty word and not one I use a lot. Who wants to be doing repetitious and boring stuff when there are so many other interesting things to be doing? But sometimes, like when I can't find the phone, I have to clean up. A bit.
And then, half of the household tasks we do are done just for show. In case someone calls.

I like clean laundry, and kitchen and bathroom are clean, but this is not a furniture showroom. It's where I live. So an inch of dust is not going to worry me because it isn't likely to give me some dreaded disease...... and I can always plant something. But I digress.

Lists. Useful things, especially when you want to accomplish so much during the day, but are likely to forget what you did 10 minutes ago, or decide to go check the mail box, and get distracted because you really should turn the heel of that sock you were knitting last night. And maybe I should get on with that beaded necklace? No, I'll just spin another bobbin of that purple wool, then I can decide what to knit with it. But perhaps I should do that machine knitting? A nice sleeveless vest for ME. And I do want to do another tutorial on Paint Shop Pro, I'm late sending in my assignment. And the Library will be screaming for their books back, if I don't get a move on.

So I make lists. But at the end of every day, I'm never happy with what I've done, because there are always things on that list which haven't been crossed off. This leads to self condemnation. You didn't do enough. You didn't come up to scratch. YOU FAILED. Again.

So this morning I came up with the idea of a *What I DID today* list. And I surprised myself. I found there are a lot of things on today's list, things we do without thinking, which had filled in quite an amount of my time. But I also accomplished a lot of things which I consciously planned to do.

The thing is that every time I wrote down an item which was finished, I got a buzz. I was giving myself credit.
The day is almost over, and tonight I can look at my list with satisfaction, instead of disgust. There will be more!!

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